
82 lines
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from copy import deepcopy
mat = [ ['.']+list(x)+['.'] for x in open('input').read().replace('L','#').splitlines() ] #
null = [ '.' for x in range(len(mat[0])) ]
# cmat = [null] + [ ['.']+[ '0' for y in range(len(mat[0])-2) ]+['.'] for x in mat ] + [null] #cmat is the number of # according to the rule, in matrix form.
mat = [null] + mat + [null]
def RTX_side(r, d, y, mat): # Yes i know this isn't proper raytracing but haha tech tip nvidia rtx 6900ti funny moment.
top = True
bottom = True
side = True
c = 0
j_d = 1
for i in r:
if top and y+j_d in d:
cell = mat[y+j_d][i]
if cell == 'L':
top = False
elif cell == '#':
top = False
c += 1
if y-j_d in d and bottom:
cell = mat[y-j_d][i]
if cell == 'L':
bottom = False
elif cell == '#':
bottom = False
c += 1
if side:
if mat[y][i] == "L":
side = False
if mat[y][i] == "#":
side = False
c += 1
if c == 3: break
j_d += 1
return c
def RTX_top(r, i, mat):
for j in r:
if mat[j][i] == 'L':
return 0
elif mat[j][i] == '#':
return 1
return 0
dim_j = len(mat)-1
dim_i = len(mat[0])-1
domVERT = range(1,dim_j+1) #Domain for vertical / j values
def RTX_ON(mat):
mat_ = deepcopy(mat)
d = False
for x in range(1, dim_i):
for y in range(1, dim_j):
rN = range(y-1,0,-1)
rS = range(y+1,dim_j+1)
rE = range(x+1, dim_i+1)
rW = range(x-1, 0, -1)
c = (RTX_side(rE, domVERT, y, mat) + RTX_side(rW, domVERT, y, mat) + RTX_top(rN, x, mat) + RTX_top(rS, x, mat))
# cmat[y][x] = (str)(c) #cmat is the number of # according to the rule, in matrix form.
if mat[y][x] == '#' and c > 4:
mat_[y][x] = 'L'
d = True
elif mat[y][x] == 'L' and c == 0:
mat_[y][x] = '#'
d = True
if d == True:
#print(""); [ print(x) for x in mat ]; print(""); [ print(x) for x in cmat ]; print(""); [ print(x) for x in mat_ ]; print("") #good ol' print debugging
mat = RTX_ON(mat_)
return mat
return mat
simulated = RTX_ON(mat) #This is slow AF
[ print(''.join(x)) for x in simulated ] #output ascii, why not?
print(sum([ x.count('#') for x in simulated ]))