mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 09:00:22 +08:00
188 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File
188 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File
from drive import Drive
from pygnuplot import gnuplot
from utils import nextWeek
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
BASE = Path("/home/peter/scripts/datalogging/disk-usage/testfiles/")
SIZE_FILE = BASE.joinpath("size_daily.csv")
DIFF_FILE = BASE.joinpath("diff_daily.csv")
WEEKLY_SIZE_FILE = BASE.joinpath("size_weekly.csv")
WEEKLY_DIFF_FILE = BASE.joinpath("diff_weekly.csv")
NOW = datetime.now().isoformat(sep="_")
__MAX = nextWeek() # Next monday
T_MAX = __MAX.isoformat()
T_MIN = (__MAX - timedelta(days=28)).isoformat()
TY_MIN = (__MAX - timedelta(days=364)).isoformat()
Y_MAX = Drive.getMaxTotal("/mnt/")
def fmtRange(min, max):
return str.format("['{0}':'{1}']", min, max)
array = ""
with open(SIZE_FILE) as f:
array = f.readline()
array = array.replace(","," ").strip()
HEADER_LENGTH = len(array.split(' '))
set terminal sixelgd background rgb 'black' size 1920, 960; set multiplot layout 2,2; set encoding utf8;
set key top left; set key tc rgb 'white'; set border lc rgb 'white'; set key tc rgb 'white'; set datafile separator ',';
set grid ytics; set ytics scale 2,1;
set xdata time; set x2data time; set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'; set x2label 'Date' textcolor 'white';
set border lc rgb 'white';
set format x '%Y-%m-%d';
set xtics font ', 10' rotate by 90 right;
set x2tics 4*24*60*60, 7*24*60*60 textcolor 'white';
set x2tics format '%Y-%m-%d';
set x2tics scale 37,1;
set y2tics scale 2,1;
set tics nomirror;
set xlabel 'Day' textcolor 'white';
set xtics 12*60*60, 24*60*60;
set xtics format '%a';
set mxtics 2;
set xtics scale 0,1;
set grid mxtics;
# Some bug with scaling meant that I needed to use 59.999999999999 as opposed to
# 60 for the offsets of the weeks from the months IIRC. Haven't checked if this
# bug is still here.
set x2tics font ', 10';
set x2tics 11*24*60*60, 3*7*24*60*60+7*24*60*59.999999999999 textcolor 'white';
set x2tics format '%m-%d';
set x2tics scale 2,1;
set mx2tics 4;
set xlabel 'Month' textcolor 'white';
set xtics 4*7*24*60*60;
set xtics format '%b';
set xtics font ', 10' rotate by 0 center;
set mxtics 1;
set xtics scale 1,1;
set grid xtics;
set autoscale y
set ylabel '{/Symbol D}Used [ISO definition]' textcolor 'white';
set format y '%+08.3s %cB';
set y2label '{/Symbol D}Used (GB)' textcolor 'white';
set link y2 via y/(1024**3) inverse y*(1024**3);
set format y2 '%+08.3s %c';
PLOT_0="""set title 'Used capacity of disks (last 28 days)' textcolor 'white';
set format y '%.2s %cB';
set ylabel 'Used [ISO definition]' textcolor 'white';
set ytics 0.25*10**12;
set mytics 2;
set link y2 via y/1024**4 inverse y*1024**4;
set format y2 '%05.3f';
interval = (2.5*10**11)/(1024**4); set y2tics interval;
set y2label 'Used (TB)' textcolor 'white';
set my2tics 1;
# plot for [col=3:$columns] '$(sed 's/\///1;s/\//:\//1' <<< "$FILE")' using 1:col with linespoints title word(array, col) pointtype 5"""
set title 'Change in used capacity (last 28 days)' textcolor 'white';
set ytics 5*10**9;
set mytics 2;
interval = (5.0*10**9)/(1024**3); set y2tics interval;
set my2tics 2;
set offset graph 0, graph 0, graph 0.02, graph 0.02;
set title 'Used capacity of disks (last 364 days)' textcolor 'white';
set ylabel 'Used [ISO definition]' textcolor 'white';
set format y '%.2s %cB';
set ytics 0.25*10**12;
set mytics 2;
set y2label 'Used (TB)' textcolor 'white';
set link y2 via y/1024**4 inverse y*1024**4;
set format y2 '%05.3f';
interval = (2.5*10**11)/(1024**4); set y2tics interval;
set my2tics 1;
set offset graph 0, graph 0, graph 0, graph 0;
set title 'Change in used capacity (last 364 days)' textcolor 'white';
set ytics 10*10**9;
set mytics 2;
interval = (10.0*10**9)/(1024**3); set y2tics interval;
set my2tics 2;
set offset graph 0, graph 0, graph 0.02, graph 0.02;
g = gnuplot.Gnuplot(out = '"test.six"')
# Reset line colors cycle
columns = 3
g.set(linetype = "cycle "+str(columns-2))
for i in range(columns,9):
g.unset("linetype "+str(i))
# set up ranges 28d
yrange = fmtRange(0,Y_MAX),
xrange = fmtRange(T_MIN,T_MAX),
x2range = fmtRange(T_MIN,T_MAX),
arrow = "1 from first '"+NOW+"',graph 0 to first '"+NOW+"',graph 1 nohead lw 1.5 dt 2 lc rgb '#00000099'",
object = "1 rect from '"+NOW+"',graph 0 to graph 1, graph 1 fc rgb '#00444444' fillstyle pattern 4 noborder transparent"
PLOT_RANGE = "for [col=3:"+str(HEADER_LENGTH)+"]"
g.cmd("plot "+PLOT_RANGE+" '"+SIZE_FILE.as_posix()+"' using 1:col with linespoints title word('"+array+"', col) pointtype 5 pointsize 0.5")
g.cmd("plot "+PLOT_RANGE+" '"+WEEKLY_DIFF_FILE.as_posix()+"' using 1:col-1 with linespoints title word('"+array+"', col) pointtype 5, \
"+PLOT_RANGE+" '"+DIFF_FILE.as_posix()+"' using 1:col with points notitle pointtype 12 pointsize 2")
# set up ranges 365d
yrange = fmtRange(0,Y_MAX),
xrange = fmtRange(TY_MIN,T_MAX),
x2range = fmtRange(TY_MIN,T_MAX),
g.cmd("plot "+PLOT_RANGE+" '"+WEEKLY_SIZE_FILE.as_posix()+"' using 1:col-1 with linespoints title word('"+array+"', col) pointtype 5")
g.cmd("plot "+PLOT_RANGE+" '"+WEEKLY_DIFF_FILE.as_posix()+"' using 1:col-1 with linespoints title word('"+array+"', col) pointtype 5")