import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from cycler import cycler from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator from copy import deepcopy import json DATA_FILES = [ './RESULTS_ALL__1.16.5.json', './RESULTS_ALL__21w07a.json', './RESULTS_ALL__21w08b.json' ] DATA = [] for datafile in DATA_FILES: with open(datafile, 'r') as file: DATA.append(json.loads( def list_distribution(blocks, data): slices = [] for yslice in data: c = 0 for block in blocks.split('||'): if block in yslice: c += yslice[block] slices.append(c) return slices # return [ y[block] if block in y else 0 for y in data ] ABSOLUTE_BLOCKS_OLD = [ 'minecraft:diamond_ore', 'minecraft:redstone_ore', 'minecraft:emerald_ore', 'minecraft:gold_ore', 'minecraft:lapis_ore', 'minecraft:iron_ore', 'minecraft:coal_ore', # 'minecraft:lava' ] ABSOLUTE_BLOCKS_NEW = [ 'minecraft:diamond_ore||minecraft:deepslate_diamond_ore', 'minecraft:redstone_ore||minecraft:deepslate_redstone_ore', 'minecraft:emerald_ore', 'minecraft:gold_ore||minecraft:deepslate_gold_ore', 'minecraft:lapis_ore', 'minecraft:iron_ore||minecraft:deepslate_iron_ore', 'minecraft:coal_ore', 'minecraft:copper_ore', 'minecraft:amethyst_block', ] RELATIVE_BLOCKS_OLD = ABSOLUTE_BLOCKS_OLD+[ #BLOCKS to show in the relative frequency distribution. 'minecraft:lava' ] RELATIVE_BLOCKS_NEW = deepcopy(ABSOLUTE_BLOCKS_NEW) RELATIVE_BLOCKS_NEW.insert(-2, 'minecraft:lava') ABSOLUTE_AX_PROPERTIES = [ {"title":"1.16.5 generation", "ylabel":r'$\Sigma ore$', "xlabel":'Elevation above void (m)'}, {"title":"21w07a generation", "ylabel":r'$\Sigma ore$', "xlabel":'Elevation above grimstone (m)'}, {"title":"21w08b generation", "ylabel":r'$\Sigma ore$', "xlabel":'Elevation above grimstone (m)'} ] RELATIVE_AX_PROPERTIES = [ {"title":"1.16.5 generation", "ylabel":'Relative Frequency (%)', "xlabel":'Elevation above void (m)'}, {"title":"21w07a generation", "ylabel":'Relative Frequency (%)', "xlabel":'Elevation above grimstone (m)'}, {"title":"21w08b generation", "ylabel":'Relative Frequency (%)', "xlabel":'Elevation above grimstone (m)'} ] x = list(range(-64,321)) # # # def cfg_naxis(axes): for axis in axes: axis.grid(True, color='white', linewidth=0.2, linestyle='--', which="major") for line in axis.legend(loc='upper right').get_lines(): line.set_linewidth(2.0) axis.set_xticks(x[::8]+[x[-1]]) axis.minorticks_on() axis.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelbottom=True) axis.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelbottom=True) axis.set_ylim(bottom=0.0) axis.set_xlim(left=-64,right=320) axis.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) # Conversions between ore/chunk and total (based on sample size.) # Radius of 512 sample_r = 512 def orechunk(y): return y / (2*sample_r/16)**2 def sigmaore(x): return x * (2*sample_r/16)**2 def gen_maxis(axes): for axis in axes: secax = axis.secondary_yaxis('right', functions=(orechunk, sigmaore)) secax.minorticks_on() secax.set_ylabel(r'$ore\cdot chunk\_layer^{-1}$') def set_figure(fig, dpi, size): fig.set_dpi(100) fig.set_figwidth(size[0]) fig.set_figheight(size[1]) def add_bounds(axis): axis.axvspan(-64, 0, alpha=0.5, color='gray', hatch="/") axis.axvspan(256, 320, alpha=0.5, color='gray', hatch="/") def plot_absolute(axis, blocks, data, padl, padu, width): [ axis.plot(x, [0 for x in range(padl[0],padl[1])]+list_distribution(ore, data)+[0 for x in range(padu[0],padu[1])], label=ore, linewidth=width) for ore in blocks] def plot_relative(axis, blocks, data, padl, padu, width): [ axis.plot(x, [0 for x in range(padl[0],padl[1])]+[p/sum(tmp)*100 for p in tmp]+[0 for x in range(padu[0],padu[1])], label=ore, linewidth=width) for ore in blocks if (tmp := list_distribution(ore, data))] def set_ax_properties(axes, ax_properties): i = 0 for ax in axes: ax.set_title(ax_properties[i]['title']) ax.set_xlabel(ax_properties[i]['xlabel']) ax.set_ylabel(ax_properties[i]['ylabel']) i += 1 # quick/hackily converted the script to a function def main(style, show_bounds, linewidth, dpi, size): # # abs frequency. # fig0, axes = plt.subplots( len(DATA), sharex=True, sharey=True ) set_figure(fig0, dpi, size) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.9, bottom=0.05) fig0.suptitle('New ore generation - Absolute frequency - 1024*1024 area sample size') plot_absolute(axes[0], ABSOLUTE_BLOCKS_OLD, DATA[0], [-64, 1], [256, 320], linewidth) _ = 1 for data in DATA[1:]: plot_absolute(axes[_], ABSOLUTE_BLOCKS_NEW, data, [0, 0], [0, 0], linewidth) _ += 1 gen_maxis(axes) if show_bounds: add_bounds(axes[0]) set_ax_properties(axes, ABSOLUTE_AX_PROPERTIES) cfg_naxis(axes) # # Let's also show relative frequency. # fig1, axes = plt.subplots( len(DATA), sharex=True, sharey=True ) set_figure(fig1, dpi, size) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.9, bottom=0.05) fig1.suptitle('New ore generation - Relative frequency - 1024*1024 area sample size') plot_relative(axes[0], RELATIVE_BLOCKS_OLD, DATA[0], [-64, 1], [256, 320], linewidth) _ = 1 for data in DATA[1:]: plot_relative(axes[_], RELATIVE_BLOCKS_NEW, data, [0, 0], [0, 0], linewidth) _ += 1 if show_bounds: add_bounds(axes[0]) set_ax_properties(axes, RELATIVE_AX_PROPERTIES) cfg_naxis(axes) return [plt, [fig0, fig1]]