from PyAnvilEditor.pyanvil import world from pathlib import Path import json import math import timeit TIME_START_GLOBAL = timeit.default_timer() # Load the world folder relative to the current working dir WORLD_NAME = '21w08b' total_r = 512 r = 128 # Split ops into these 'blocks' to save memory. block_fac = math.floor(total_r/r) output_path = Path('etc/'+WORLD_NAME+'__output') output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_path = Path('Inputs/'+WORLD_NAME) height_range = range(-64,321) # height_range = range(0,256) distribution = [ {} for x in height_range ] for blk_i in range(-block_fac,block_fac): for blk_k in range(-block_fac,block_fac): print("\n\nBLOCK ",blk_i,blk_k, flush=True) time_start_block = timeit.default_timer() with world.World(input_path, write=False) as WORLD: z = 0 for j in height_range: #Adjust if you're using different worldheights. print(j, end=' ', flush=True) for i in range(-r+blk_i*r,r+blk_i*r): for k in range(-r+blk_k*r,r+blk_k*r): block = WORLD.get_block((i, j, k)) if block in distribution[z]: distribution[z][block] += 1 else: distribution[z].update({block:1}) z += 1 # print("\nDone iterating. ", blk_i, blk_k, 'done in', (timeit.default_timer() - time_start_block), 'seconds') print("\nBLOCK ", blk_i, blk_k, 'done in', (timeit.default_timer() - time_start_block), 'seconds') with open(output_path / Path('SUM_leq_block_'+str(blk_i)+'.'+str(blk_k)+'.json'), 'w') as file: file.write(json.dumps(distribution)) print('Done in', (timeit.default_timer() - TIME_START_GLOBAL), 'seconds') with open('./RESULTS_ALL__'+WORLD_NAME+'.json', 'w') as file: file.write(json.dumps(distribution))