# License
This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, the "License".
You may not use this component except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
[BSD 3-Clause license](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause)
# Purpose
This directory contains the LPS22HB component drivers.
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# Update history
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## Main changes
### First release
- First official release [ref. DS v6.0]
## Main changes
- Add __weak directive to read/write registers routines
- Extend stmdev_ctx_t structure with mdelay callback
- repo name changed adding '-pid' extension
## Main changes
- Fixed code style (Artistic Style Version 3.4.13)
- Add "const" to ctx arg for all APIs
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding method to get pressure and temperature data ready in one call. (More efficient)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Allow forward declaration of stmdev_ctx_t and lps22hb_fifo_output_data_t structs.
- [IMPROVEMENT][lps22hb_fifo_output_data_burst_get] Added burst FIFO read method.
- [FIX][lps22hb_from_lsb_to_hpa] Fixed raw pressure data to hPa calculation.i
- [IMPROVEMENT][lps22hb_from_lsb_to_...] Added a few more engineering units.