Brüel & Kjær have a [line of electrodynamic shaker tables](! that use their LDS Dactron signal analyzer which produce proprietary `.sig` files.
As shown in the [user manual for their PC software](, they provide an ActiveX Signal Reader which provides some functions to enable the `.sig` file to be opened in "Visual Basic, MATLAB, LabView, C++ and so on".
## Tutorial on how to use in Python
1. Download [Shaker Control]( While a license key is required to use the software, we only need the `DactronSignal.dll` file.
2. Install the software to a directory of your choosing, I think it installs in `C:\Program Files (x86)` by default but I am not sure since I chose to install it to `D:\Programs`. Annoyingly you do need to install the program, inspecting the installation files in 7-zip doesn't show this DLL specifically.
After copying the `DactronSignal.dll` file to another directory you may uninstall the program.
The `Bruel and Kjaer\LASER and COMET Vibration Control\Signal Reader` directory contains examples for Visual C++ and MATLAB. There are also some sample `.sig` files.
5. Create a **32-bit** Python virtual environment and activate the virtual environment OR use a **32-bit** Python installation. It must be 32-bit since the DLL is 32-bit, if you use 64-bit it will not find the class, and you will get this error:
PS C:\<path>\signal_reader> python
Python 3.9.6 (tags/v3.9.6:db3ff76, Jun 28 2021, 15:26:21) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
8. If it loaded successfully, you may try the following script which was adapted to Python from the example MATLAB script given in the documentation `Recall_and_plot_G11.m`. This should provide the following plot: